Submitted by revol on

At the general meeting of the CERN Table Tennis Club, which took place on April 6, 2022, it was decided that the next CERN Table Tennis Championship will take place at the Meyrin CTT the weekend of 19-20 of August, starting on Friday August 19, at 19:00, if the number of participants is large enough, and continuing on Saturday August 20, starting at 13:00.

Players are distributed in groups, according to their ranking, when available, or assumed ranking. The first two of each group go to the main draw, the others to a consolation draw, so that everyone is assured to play at least 4 matches.

Groups of at most 5 players are assigned one table each, which means that we cannot have normally more than 7 groups at a time. This  implies that we must limit participation to 70 entries. At the last Championship, in 2019, we had a record of 48 participants.

In case the number of entries does not exceed 35, the championship will take place on Saturday only.

Registration  is open and will be closed on August 17, midnight.


CERN Championship 2022