Please register to the club by filling out the form you can download below and send it to the President of the club, Jean-Pierre Revol ( You may also drop it at the club, in the mail box attached to the bar. Later on, you will receive a bulletin that will have to be used to pay the fees at the Swiss Post Office.


Download the Registration Form.


Important Note 1: LEAVING CERN

If at one point you decide to leave the club, make sure to announce your intention at the latest end of July of the current year. The season starts at the end of August. If you do not resign, it is assumed that you are still a member and then you will be required to pay the fees for the next season. This procedure is imposed by the way we obtain subsidies for the club from the city of Meyrin, which depends on the number of members, which has to be announced at the beginning of August.


Important Note 2: CLUB MAILING LIST

Be aware that by registering to the club you agree to have your email address in a mailing list (, maintained by the President of the TT club, that is used only to:

  • inform members of events pertaining to the life of the club
  • transmit information from the CCC or other CERN clubs
  • allow members to find partners and make appointment to train at the club

As a member of the club you are allowed to send messages to the mailing list called: At any time you may request to be removed from the mailing list.


Register to the Club